Frequently Asked Questions

Can I revise or cancel my order?

Once an order is placed it is a commitment to purchase. We cannot under any circumstances cancel a snake order. Our workflow absolutely prohibits the ability to cancel so please make sure of what you are purchasing before you submit your order. Thank you.

Where are my tracking numbers?

Tracking numbers are provided immediately payment has been made. It will be sent to your email together with other important shipping details.

What does FC and CB mean in the reptile and amphibian option fields?

FC means Field Collected and CB means Captive Bred.

How quickly should I feed my new snake ?

We recommend, once you receive your snake, that you provide a minimum of 48 hours of acclimation into its new environment before attempting to feed. However, fresh water should always be available. Please make sure you are using proper types of prey items and proper sizes of them.

How quickly should I feed my new snake ?

We recommend, once you receive your snake, that you provide a minimum of 48 hours of acclimation into its new environment before attempting to feed. However, fresh water should always be available. Please make sure you are using proper types of prey items and proper sizes of them.

Why did my snake suddenly stop eating?

Temperature is the number-one reason for a normally vigorously feeding snake to refuse a meal for no apparent reason. If the warm hide in the cage was too warm, it would cause a snake to occupy cooler parts of the cage. If the warm hide is too cool, either that hide or other parts of the cage are equally non-conducive to appetite and digestion. In both cases, most snakes choose fasting over instinctively perceived illness, essentially rationalizing that there is no point in eating something they are incapable of digesting.

Why is my snake trying to bite me?

Improper cage temperatures are the most likely stimulus for snakes biting humans. Expect distrusting and defensive behavior the first few days after receiving your new snake, but most corns are highly tolerant of humans, and bites from them are therefore rare. Often, during the shedding process that lasts ten days or more, snakes have impaired vision from the old skin covering their eyes. They are instinctively aggressive toward anything near them until emerging from the old skin when their site is restored.

How do I know my order has been shipped?

You will receive a tracking number via email or text depending on how you registered your account.

Do you have a Live Arrival Guarantee for LIVE SNAKES?

Live Snake orders are covered under a Live Arrival Guarantee which appears as a tab on our website. We recommend you read it completely so that you are aware of all aspects of having a snake shipped to you.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We do accept payments via Bank Transfer, Zelle, Apple Pay and Cryptocurrency which comes with a 15% discount.

If I purchase a snake from you does it come with any health guarantee?

Absolutely, we stand behind our animals 100%, we cover your new pet with a 30 day health guarantee.

What should I do upon first receiving my new snake?

Prior to receiving your new pet snake, your cage should be set up for days (or weeks), to sufficiently demonstrate the most important facet of snake keeping; HEAT. In so much as snakes are not capable of producing body heat sufficient for appetite and digestion, ensuring the cage is properly heated is the most crucial prerequisite to the health and welfare of your snake(s).

How safe and reliable is reptile shipping via door-to-door, next day service?

The shipper’s handling procedures and subsequent reliability make them one of the only door-to-door carrier we will use for the thousands of snakes we ship annually. All orders are shipped for next day delivery – usually arriving before noon – and each box is custom packed to facilitate comfort and safety for the snakes.

Why did my snake regurgitate?

There are many reasons for snakes to regurgitate/vomit a recently consumed meal, but it is NOT natural, and often points to a serious medical or environmental problem. More than likely, the stimulus for the regurgitation points to an environmental problem in the cage (usually incorrect temperature), but regardless, it is crucial that you do not offer another meal soon after such an event, without first correcting the stimulus for the event and/or without employing post-regurgitation therapies.

Do you ship out of Texas?

Yes we do ship to other states and some countries abroad.

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